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Choosing a charge controller

February 21, 2010
Solar panels and wind generators produce electricity, but their output varies widely based on the available sun or wind speed. Therefore there is a need to convert that output to something a little more consistent using a charge controller. ... Read more.

Will incandescent lights die?

February 20, 2010
There’s been a lot of advancement in the field of lighting, particularly solid state lighting with LEDs, but that doesn’t necessarily mean incandescent bulbs will phase out. Consider that they were probably conceived as a way to replace candles,... Read more.

Reusing the CFL circuit base

February 18, 2010
For you hobbyists out there wanting to reuse the parts from a burnt out CLF (compact florescent light), there are some ways to reuse the circuit in the base. With a few steps I’ll show you how to wire up a small florescent light to take it’s... Read more.

Is it on, off, or idling and how to tell

February 17, 2010
I’m sure most of you have heard or read that some appliances still use electricity when they’re “off.” There is no doubt this is true, but how can you tell? Identifying what’s idling and what isn’t (without paying... Read more.

Choosing solar panels

February 16, 2010
There’s a lot of different solar panels out there, and with so many choices, it would be helpful to know what to look for when buying one. I’m going to explain some of that technical jargon. This way you can better understand how or what... Read more.

Buying a simple grid-tie solar system

February 12, 2010
If you’ve done any amount of home improvement, then setting up a simple solar system isn’t a challenge. However, it would be good to know a few basics and what parts you need. Please keep in mind you may have to contact your... Read more.

Bible Articles?

January 13, 2010
Many people may be confused why Bible lessons exists on my site which primarily functions as a portfolio. I should be showing and demonstrating what I do and not what I believe or feel, right? Well, it certainly isn’t about how I feel (2 Kings... Read more.

A Review of Disney’s Bolt

November 30, 2008
I went to see Disney’s Bolt yesterday (Nov. 29, 2008), and I must say, it seems to be truly enlightening. I just had to write a review for it (plus it doubled as part of a college assignment). If you haven’t seen Disney’s Bolt, I encourage... Read more.

About Instruments

November 30, 2008
For everything Christ’s church does in worship, it does only as authorized by God in the New Testament. Often the church is accused of not believing the Old Testament, however, “whatever things were written before were written for our learning,... Read more.

What is Time?

August 27, 2007
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: 2 A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; 3... Read more.